A conversation

Well… Ella’s cast is finally off. It was only on for less than three weeks, but with it being on her good arm, it really incapacitated her. We are noticing a slight regression in her skills as a result. I hope it will be very temporary and she will be back to where she was before the fracture very shortly. In the meantime we need to work with her to encourage her to try and do things as before. These include walking up the stairs with no help, taking off her shoes and socks, handling a drinking cup. We know she can do it, she just has to get back to it.
The process of removing the cast with her was quite amusing, as she was very involved and responsive. When the cast first came off she was totally ecstatic, staring at her hand, wiggling the fingers and yelling out in delight.
When the doctor came in to examine her she handled it all on herself (maybe for the first time). I said nothing
Doctor coming in.
Ella:’hi doctor waters’ (how she remembered his name is beyond me)
Doctor:’how are you Ella?’
Ella:’dud’ (good)
Doctor:How does your hand feel?
Ella:’dud’ (good)
Doctor:’can I take a look’
Doctor:’does it hurt?’
Ella:’all done’
Ella:’I want bye bye’
Doctor:’I think you can go. It is all fixed’
Ella:’bye bye’

This entry was posted on Friday, July 18th, 2008 at 3:11 pm and is filed under Ella's Log. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. Responses are currently closed, but you can trackback from your own site.

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